ENW just returned from our 13th Tour in the Philippines. This year was our third conference on the Island of Bohol where we taught on “Foundations for the Christian Family”. Once again, God showed Himself strong as we served these wonderful pastors, wives, and workers.
The tour began on the island of Cebu where we spent the first weekend teaching in two of the churches pastored by men who are an integral part of our conferences in that area: Pastor Roudini and Pastor Alfred. Rein Allweil, my traveling/teaching companion for the third year, and I were privileged to speak to two wonderful congregations.
From Cebu, we flew to Bohol for the main Pastor’s Training Conference. Having printed 60-65 copies of student notes this year, we still ran short which is a great acknowledgement of the interest and investment of the pastors in this area. Three days of aggressive teaching and listening was such a rich blessing. The goodness of God was expressed well in the “end of conference” testimonies. Interestingly, two of the most robust testimonies came from a single lady and a pastor’s wife. ENW encourages all who can to attend, especially the wives of the pastors.
Another significant blessing was to hear the discussion of the pastors around the “de-briefing” table at the end of the training discussing our 2020 conference. It was such an encouragement to hear them talk of inviting many other pastors, determining a suitable venue, and challenging themselves to take on a large percentage of the cost of the 2020 conference.
From Bohol, we flew to Legaspi for a “One Day Youth Conference” hosted by the Anchor Baptist Church and Pastor Vanni. This was a first for us in that area, but not the last as we are already planning for this “One Day Youth Conference” in 2020. It was very well attended, and attention was riveted on the Word of God by the youth. It was also an honor to preach in that church Sunday morning and in the Bicol Bible Baptist Church, Pastor Ulysses’ church, in the evening.
It is such a blessing to ENW that the following conferences are already booked for 2020: the “Pastor’s Conference”, the “Youth Conference”, as well as a one day “ENW Introduction Conference” for the Legaspi area pastors.
Thank you for your interest in equipping the next generation of Biblical Shepherds through your prayers and support of the ENW ministry. We are humbled by your continued prayers and support.
Please continue to pray for the needed funds for our Myanmar tour in February. We still need three or four thousand dollars to bring training to 40 pastors and their wives for two weeks. This is a rich opportunity to train in this part of the world.
Chris and I are still looking for “ENW Presentation” opportunities. If you know of churches that are interested in the type of equipping the ENW ministry provides, please let us know. I am happy to contact pastors to request this opportunity. Also, if you have friends you think may be interested, please send them to our website which provides an overview of the ENW ministry as well as provide a link for donations for those interested: www.equippingnationals.org. Financial gifts can also be sent to: Grace Bible Fellowship, P.O. Box 1015 Somerset, PA 15501 and checks can be made out to Equipping Nationals Worldwide. Any financial gift to the ENW ministry is tax deductible, so please consider us in your year-end giving.
Thanks again for your partnership in this much needed and growing ministry. It is to the glory of God we serve together with you all.