Stateside Ministry

Although most of ENW’s ministry is focused on training national pastors overseas, ENW is also passionate about a variety of stateside ministry opportunities. Please contact us for more information or to inquire about having an ENW team member partner with your ministry.

Pastoral Consulting

Based on 45+ years of ministry experience, Bill Hill can provide help to evaluate, think through, and apply biblical principles to reach solutions to the various scenarios faced in ministry.

  • Helping pastors think through difficult church scenarios such as church discipline and difficult divorce cases
  • Assistance with difficult counseling scenarios
  • Identifying and evaluating young, aspiring shepherds; thinking through the biblical process to identify their gifts, qualifications, and biblical desire, and setting a plan to train them in the context of local ministry
  • Leadership development (identify and train men to be leaders at home and church). Where to begin, what contexts are best suited for this privilege, and what material to use for this development.
  • Pastoral preaching review and enrichment; scheduling sermon series for optimum personal and congregational growth; planning a preaching calendar, thinking through and discussing topics and/or books needed for congregational growth and maturity
  • Offering refresher studies in Homiletics and Hermeneutics
  • Tailoring special small groups and classes for loving accountability and relationship-building
  • Training in Biblical Counseling and Discipleship — building a team of couples and singles who can assist the leadership by handling difficult, more advanced counseling needs as well as train other disciple-makers
  • Developing Conflict Resolution skills and processes at the personal, family, church, and staff level
  • Establishing a clear, text-driven, measurable, sustainable theology of ecclesiastical ministry
  • Provide pastoral friendship, encouragement, loving accountability, and potential networking with other pastors for continued encouragement and ministry input
  • Provide help to churches looking for a pastor
  • Provide short-term pulpit supply

For more information, view the brochure by clicking the button below:

Pastoral Counsulting

Other Stateside Ministries

Marriage & Family Conferences

Biblical Counseling Training

Youth Retreats

Missions Emphasis